In a senstive environment such as a bank or lending institution, security is always at the forefront of priorities. While banks have come a long way in the last few years of improving security, there still is and always will be some risk associated with these environments.
Even today, bank robberies still happen, which is why bank managers have to be extremely cautious about safety matters. Taking every precaution possible is avised. By installing C-Bond Systems, Denver banks and lending instutions can protect employees and customers from dangerous scenarious and keep their building safe.
Maintain Secure Transactions
One of the most important security matters for banks is maintaining safe transactions. Bank tellers both inside the bank and at the drive through area can be placed in serious jeopardy if a strong security plan is not in place. By installing C-Bond systems, Denver banks can protect employees stationed at teller windows and drive through areas. C-Bond Systems strengthen ordinary glass windows so that they become ballistic resistant and can withstand high levels of impact. If a robber does attempt to smash or shoot the glass, the film will keep it in place, providing bank employees with extra time to react and flee to safety.
24/7 Security for Banks
Security cameras and alarms are standard for banks. While these devices may help scare some intruders away, experienced criminals won’t be phased by them. When all other methods fail, it’s important to have a back up plan in place. C-Bond Systems provide Denver banks with 24 hour security, seven days a week. C-Bond Systems do not require any electricity or human interference to be operable. And since C-Bond window films are clear, many criminals do not suspect them in the first place, making them even more effective.
Protect Your Bank with C-Bond Systems in Denver
Upgrade your bank security today. Call Denver Window Film to schedule a time to have C-Bond Systems installed for your Denver bank or lending instutition.