Have you ever considered having a car window film installed? We’d bet that you’ve never really thought of it, especially since in the Denver area, almost all cars come right off the lot with tinted windows. So why might you need or want to add another window film?
Let’s talk about the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays, and what a car window film can do to help save your skin. Sound dramatic? Well, in fact it is, and true as well.
It is a fact that significantly more American drivers get skin cancer on the left side of their faces than on the right side. This is due to the sun’s UV rays beating in on them in their cars, year after year, decade after decade.
Stop for a second and think about how much of your life is spent in the driver’s seat of your car. You might have thought that your existing car window film might protect you from those rays. After all, no matter how hot the day, no matter how bright the sun, you don’t get a sunburn in the car, do you? But the damage from UV rays is cumulative, not acute. So even without a tan or a sunburn, the skin on the left side of your face is still absorbing those rays, bit by bit. These are the rays of the sun that we’ve come to wear sunglasses and sunscreens to protect ourselves from. The rays that cause premature aging, wrinkles, age spots, and more.
With UV protection car window film from industry innovator Llumar, ninety nine percent of these UVA and UVB rays are blocked! That is nearly a complete block. So imagine the difference in your skin if you’d been driving around in protected cars since childhood!
Protect your own skin as well as your children’s now, with this affordable and practical car window film. Just think of it as a sunblock for your car.
Studies predict that one in five Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. But it certainly doesn’t have to be from driving in one’s car! Not when there is such a simple and effective solution. In fact, this type of protective car window film is so effective, it’s even been recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation.
For more information about car window film, including our paint shield film and our heat blocking window films, why not give us a call today? We know this might be a new concept and you might have many questions. Our professional staff is ready to answer them and offer you a quote for a car window film job today.